Reichelle Ferrer

About The Artist: Reichelle Ferrer

Reichelle Ferrer

Reichelle Ferrer, who goes by tripleichelle, is a mixed media artist that often uses sewing, graphic design, and photomontage. Through these different mediums, she is able to gain a further understanding of and is able to organize her relationship with her Filipino identity and the community around her. Much of her research based work is derived from moments in her life in cultural events and encounters with people. Some of tripleichelle’s work consist of handcrafted felt pins, minimalistic drawings, and montaged graphics.

“An Interruption of Existentials” is a collection of minimalistic drawings put together to create an interruption in the everyday. These drawings represent the short span wandering thoughts that break out in everyday routine. Much of the character blurbs come from tripleichelle’s personal interactions and the thoughts that come way after. Through her research on affect theory, she was able to create a cohesive body of work to emulate these thoughts.

Moving into more emotional driven work, “let me change my words” is a digital archive of personal writings, photos, and other imagery throughout the last few months of her romantic relationship with a previous significant other.

Lately, she is focusing on her identity as a first generation child and what it means to be “Filipino enough.” In “The Split Between Heritage”, these questions are paralleled layered photos of her recalling her first cultural dance performance without the music. This is parallel to the experience of being put as Filipino on the spot and no matter what, she is Filipino. The multiple layers also support ideas of intersectionality and her own journey of cultural heritage.