Lumikhâ Archives

Take a peek at past showcases

January 2020 | Winter Street Studios

We Have Begun

 In what ways can we challenge our actions, values, movements, and how we communicate? The artists and performers of Lumikhâ 2020 reflect on and deconstruct traditions, notions of colorism, gender constructs, inter-generational tensions, and social movements. Through these pieces and interactions, we continue to create a living, breathing Kapwa experience. 

January 2019 | Match Houston

We Are Here

This theme shines a light on minority and Filipino artists who continually ‘show up’ each day to create. They craft their stories with each brush stroke, light, verse and rhythm. Their art defines who they are, where they’ve come from, and where they are going.  We Are Here tells these artists’ unique stories of who ‘we’ are and how ‘we’ got here. Tipping our hats to the past and delving into the present, our theme, We Are Here also calls on our guests to consider — ‘Now what?’ Through happenstance. Through creativity. Through curiosity. You are here. Now what?